
Do you have a temporary protection status in Germany? On this page you can find information about your right to continued stay and access to services in Germany, short and extended stay in Ukraine and how it affects your temporary protection status and assistance. If you consider returning to Ukraine permanently, you can also find information about administrative procedures that you need to complete in Germany before your departure.

The German Bundesrat has decided to extend the application of temporary protection for refugees from Ukraine (Paragraph 24) until 4 March 2026.

The Federal Ministry of the Interior has compiled very comprehensive information for refugees from Ukraine on various aspects, including entry, registration, residence, asylum, assistance and return, on its central support portal Germany4Ukraine. This website also references relevant information provided by the federal states as well as other regional support platforms.

In this section
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Consular services in the Federal Republic of Germany

If you are in need of consular services such as issuance of passport, certificate for return to Ukraine or other, please contact Embassy of Ukraine in the Federal Republic of Germany.
Albrechtstrasse 26, 10117 Berlin

Questions on short and extended stay in Ukraine

If I decide to return to Ukraine permanently, what will happen to my temporary protection status?

The legal framework for temporary protection distinguishes between permanent return and visits (up to 3 weeks and up to 6 months) to Ukraine, with different effects on the temporary protection status. Your temporary protection status expires if your return is permanent. You will find further details on the the federal government’s central support portal for refugees from Ukraine Germany4Ukraine, under return. The information is available in German, English, Ukrainian and Russian languages.

Relevant information can also be found on regional support portals of the German Laender such as Information for refugees from Ukraine – frequently asked questions –

If I decide to return to Ukraine for a short visit, what will happen to my temporary protection status?

Travels to Ukraine are distinguished into different categories, depending on their duration, namely short-term trip for up to 3 weeks (21 calendar days) per year and long-term trip for up to 6 months. While short visits (and absences from Germany will, in principle, not affect the temporary protection status, they need to be notified, depending on duration, to the relevant authorities and affect whether you can claim basic security benefits according to the Second Book of the Social Code (Bürgergeld). You will find further details on Germany4Ukraine, under Travelling to Ukraine.

Relevant information can also be found on regional support portals of the German Laender such as Information for refugees from Ukraine – frequently asked questions –

If I decide to return to Ukraine permanently, whom should I inform?

In case of permanent return to Ukraine, you must inform and deregister with the different relevant authorities and institutions, such as the foreigner’s authority, the job center (social welfare authority) and the authorities responsible for residency registration, schools or other education institutions.

Contracts (such as possible lease agreements, employment contracts and others concluded in Germany) must also be terminated within respectively contractually agreed and envisaged time frame. You will find further information on the Germany’s federal government’s support portal for refugees from Ukraine, as well as regional support portals as, for example, the one of Sachsen Anhalt, Rückkehr in die Ukraine or Berlin, Information for refugees from Ukraine – FAQ.

If I decide to return to Ukraine permanently, can I deregister and inform German authorities online or should I go in person?

Requirements for informing and deregistration vary in practice, depending on the respective state or districts in which you reside and the authority that is responsible. In some instances, personal presence may be required. Please consult the relevant information resources and authorities locally for information on the specific requirements in your location ahead of time, when planning return.

If I decide to return to Ukraine permanently, what will happen to the assistance that I am receiving in Germany?

The duration of a journey/return to Ukraine affects your protection and residence status and the entitlement to receive social benefits in Germany. If you travel for less than three weeks, you can travel to Ukraine without losing your social assistance and registration. However, it is important to inform the job centre in advance and specify the reason for your short trip. The reason for traveling should be valid and the trip should be approved by the job centre. Please note that in case of longer travel social assistance will be paid only for three weeks if you leave for longer.

You will find further details on the rules and regulations in this context on Germany4Ukraine, and social benefits as well as regional support portals of the German Laender such as AGSA or

If I return to Ukraine for visit but decide to remain in Ukraine for good, how can I inform the authorities in Germany?

In case of permanent return to Ukraine, you must inform and deregister with the different relevant authorities and institutions, such as the foreigner’s authority, the job center (social welfare authority) and the authorities responsible for residency registration, schools or other education institutions.

Contracts (such as possible lease agreements, employment contracts and others concluded in Germany) must also be terminated within respectively contractually agreed and envisaged time frame. It might be useful to issue a power of attorney to a trusted person, who may then regulate matters on your behalf while you are absent. You will find further information on the Germany’s federal government’s support portal for refugees from Ukraine, as well as regional support portals as, for example, the one of Sachsen Anhalt: Coordination Center  (under “оформлення довіреності”).          

Can I travel back to Ukraine permanently and re-enter Germany if/when I want to?

The duration of a journey/return to Ukraine affects your protection and residence status in Germany and the possibility to return. You will find further details on the rules and regulations in this context on Germany4Ukraine.

Border crossing

Can I return to Ukraine without an international passport?

An international passport or a certificate for return to Ukraine is necessary to cross the border with Ukraine. To obtain such documents, please consult the Ukrainian Embassy in Germany:

Embassy of Ukraine in the Federal Republic of Germany
Albrechtstrasse 26, 10117 Berlin

Can I return to Ukraine without identification documents?

Documents that can be used to enter Ukraine:

  • Biometric passport (passport for traveling abroad)
  • Diplomatic or service passport
  • Valid child’s travel document
  • Crew member ID card/seaman ID card
  • Certificate for return to Ukraine

A citizen of Ukraine cannot be denied entry to Ukraine; however, you do need identification documents to cross the border in a timely and efficient manner. Regarding requirements to enter Ukraine please consult the Ukrainian Embassy in Germany:

Embassy of Ukraine in the Federal Republic of Germany
Albrechtstrasse 26, 10117 Berlin

I am not Ukrainian but I used to live in Ukraine before the war. However, I fled due to the war. Can I return to Ukraine?

Persons of other nationalities who lived in Ukraine before the war and want to return should enquire at the Ukrainian Embassy in Germany whether and under which conditions they are allowed to return before starting to organize the return travel.

Embassy of Ukraine in the Federal Republic of Germany
Albrechtstrasse 26, 10117 Berlin

Education and child protection

Can an unaccompanied child (under 18) return to Ukraine on their own?

Citizens of Ukraine cannot be denied entry to Ukraine under no circumstances. Children are subject to the same entry and exit control as adults. Please refer to State Border Guard Service of Ukraine for detailed information. Those crossing the border should have a passport or other document confirming their identity or at least a birth certificate. Children can cross the border with a birth certificate issued abroad.

In case there are no documents, in all countries apart from those where consular relations are ceased (i.e. Russian Federation), children would need to be assisted in obtaining a return certificate based on any documents that can confirm connection to Ukraine (and possessing its citizenship). Consulates may issue a return certificate based on copies of documents.

If a child is entering alone or with a non-parent adult, State Border Guard Service of Ukraine shall contact local child protection services, unless they have information about parents awaiting the child. It is advised to inform the Border Guard post that the parent is expecting the child on the Ukrainian side of the border in advance.

Please note that a child should also meet the exit requirements of the host country – please contact your local Ukrainian consulate to ask for information and get the required documents for return. In some cases, a birth certificate cannot be used as a travel document.

My child(ren) is/are enrolled in school, do we need to take any specific steps before returning to Ukraine?

In case of permanent return to Ukraine, you must deregister your child from school. This must normally be done in writing. You should make sure that your children’s education and the school year is not disrupted in a way that your child is impacted negatively.

As education and schooling is primarily the responsibility of the German Laender and communities, deregistration processes vary in practice, depending on the respective federal state and district in which you reside and the school authority that is responsible. For further details on the procedure, please contact the responsible school management/authority. Please check general recommendations from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.


Is it possible to collect my health records if I decide to return to Ukraine permanently? If yes, how and where?

If you return to Ukraine permanently, you will have to cancel your health insurance. The cancellation must normally be done in writing (by post/registered post or facsimile). Please contact your health insurance or practicing physician for information on how to collect/obtain your health record/health related information. You may find additional details on regional support portals of the German Laender such as Rückkehr in die Ukraine | Koordinierungsstelle Engagement Ukraine or Information for refugees from Ukraine – frequently asked questions.

I have a disability document issued in Germany. Will it be recognized in Ukraine?

The disability document issued in Germany will not be recognized in Ukraine. You will need to obtain a disability certificate issued in Ukraine. It can be done on arrival or remotely – please check the instructions on the governmental portal.


How to sort out my bank account if I decide to return to Ukraine permanently?

In case of permanent return to Ukraine, you must deregister with some authorities and institutions. You should also consider closing your bank account. You may find further details on regulations and requirements in this context, including sample letters, on the regional support portals of the German Laender such as Rückkehr in die Ukraine | Koordinierungsstelle Engagement Ukraine (

How to sort out my social insurance in Germany if I decide to return to Ukraine permanently?

In case of permanent return to Ukraine, you must deregister with several authorities. If you are receiving social benefits, you must inform the responsible authorities, e.g., foreigners registration office (Ausländerbehörde) and social welfare office/job centre. Contracts concluded in Germany also need to be terminated within a certain time frame.

You will find additional details on regulations and requirements in this context on Germany4Ukraine as well as other government support portals or regional support portals of the German Laender such as BMAS and Rückkehr in die Ukraine | Koordinierungsstelle Engagement Ukraine.

What are my tax obligations if I decide to return to Ukraine permanently?

If you return to Ukraine permanently and were employed and legally insured in Germany, you employer will deregister you from the relevant insurance schemes (e.g., social security, pension, health, nursing care, accident and unemployment insurance) and the tax office upon notification.

You will find additional details on requirements in this context on the federal government’s central support portal for refugees from Ukraine, Return ( Different rules apply if you were self-employed. Please seek advice in advance from the locally responsible institutions or an advice centre.

How can I check for my pet documentation if I want to return to Ukraine permanently?

Information for pet owners can be found on the regional support portals of the German Laender, locally responsible veterinary offices as well as veterinarians’ platforms, such as Support for refugees from Ukraine and their animals.

Where can I find information on services available upon arrival in Ukraine?

You can find information about available services in Ukraine on UNHCR Help Page.

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